Fitte Willy
Every year G.S.Z.V. De Golfbreker participates on the world’s biggest relay race. For this running competition the members always train very hard, which comes side to side with muscle strain, but above all a lot of fun. The “Fitte Willy” is the price for the fittest Golfbreker that has achieved the most or has the least muscle strain. The price is always handed out during the Bata trainings weekend and during the Batavierenrace.
The following members have won the price:
Name | Date | Event |
Selin Wendt | 01-05-2022 | Batavierenrace |
Huub Visser | 03-04-2022 | Training Weekend |
** | 24-04-2021 | Cancelled |
** | 11-04-2021 | Cancelled |
Tialde Prins | 2020 | Cancelled |
Minne Koopmans | 11-05-2019 | Batavierenrace |
Joris Admiraal | 14-04-2019 | Training Weekend |
Denise Austen | 21-04-2018 | Batavierenrace |
Evelyn Frieling | 25-03-2018 | Training Weekend |
Vincent Visser | 30-04-2017 | Batavierenrace |
Ruben Post | 17-03-2017 | Training Weekend |
Stijn van Duinhoven | 28-04-2016 | Batavierenrace |
Ingmar Kloek | 13-03-2016 | Training Weekend |
Richard Jonkers | 26-04-2015 | Batavierenrace |
Wilrik Mook | 15-03-2015 | Training Weekend |